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Digital Life, Organized

The other day my husband and I were chatting about chores and he said, “I’m pretty sure if life was digital, there would be no dust visible in your space” — I grinned with so much joy and fired back, “You’re right, even my Recycle Bin is empty.” If there’s one thing people know about me, it’s that I’m super organized—particularly when it comes to the digital side of my life.

For emails, I do the zero inbox method where all my emails live in a categorized folder. I use a budgeting app so all of my money is assigned. I have my photos organized by years in my external hard drive. And, I have email accounts for different areas of my life — work, Fierceday, personal, and even a family account. Might be an overkill but it all works for me.

The Moment I Learned to Back It All Up

Here’s the thing: I wasn’t always this way. I used to hoard files, photos, and keepsakes without a second thought about where they lived. It wasn’t until my sophomore year of college when I had my first digital horror story. My laptop decided to give up on me—right in the middle of one of my passion projects. When I took it in for repairs, I was told I’d lose everything if I wanted a shot at getting it fixed. I was super bummed but thankful my sister bought me my first external hard drive, and that’s when I learned how important digital organization and backup is.

Since then, I’ve been on a mission to stay organized. My files are organized in corresponding folders, and living in my external hard drive. I have to admit—I still don’t 100% trust the cloud so I’m skeptical to only count on that. My only fear now is that my reliable hard drives will one day go the way of floppy disks.

Meet Notion: My Digital Bestie

Aside from photos and files, I also am passionate about writing, note taking, and making lists. While I still have ton of journals for my daily doodles, Notion has become the space for my bigger, more complex thoughts.

I was seeking a space to organize the 1,000 thoughts that race through my mind daily. Somewhere I could turn my scattered ideas into a neatly organized library. Notion gave me that and more. Now, it’s my comfort space—a digital sanctuary that holds my thoughts and keeps my life goals front and center. Not to forget, it is home to all of my brain dumps when overthinking strikes.

For Fierceday, Notion has been a game changer. It helps me outline my goals, map out content, draft my blog posts, and store the ideas I hope to see flourish one day. Whether it’s brainstorming campaigns or researching notes, it’s my go-to space for turning “what ifs” into “what’s next.”

The Face Behind The Digital Chaos

For me, digital organization isn’t just about tidying up files and folders. It’s about creating space for my thoughts, dreams, and ideas to flourish. Notion has helped me build a system that reflects who I am and what I need, and for that, I’m forever grateful.

Recently, Notion invited me (or maybe errryyybody, but let’s pretend I’m special) to create a custom self-portrait using Notion Faces. As a self-proclaimed Notion fanatic, I couldn’t resist.

And here it is: Ta-da! ✨✨

Notion got it right—there’s the face with all the crazy ideas and brainstorming!